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Smile Teeth

"Trush yourself"

Best  Way to keep your teeth healthy

Just One month ago I was having too much pain in my teeth. But when I follow this 3 steps routine for my teeth and its gradually feeling better.

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01 - 23 - 45 - 67 - 89

This 3 steps follow for oral hygiene:

Water Flosser

Flossing also important for your teeth. Daily 2 times can be flossing to remove flat from your teeth.


It's Mandatory to mouthwash your teeth if you want healthy teeth

Tooth Brush

Choose the toothbrush which right for you. and brush daily 2-3 time.

Smile Teeth

"Trush Yourself"

10 Rue du Bout du monde - 75 000 Paris

01 - 99 - 45 - 67 -89